How to do Application control for Clavister Netwall UTM Firewalls | Simet Information Technologies Inc.

How to do Application control for Clavister Netwall UTM Firewalls

on of the way for increasing security of Network control and check traffic using from clients and in this case we papering clavister for Application control


How to do Application control for clavister Netwall


100 Serisi (Netwall 110 ve 140)

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How to do Application control for clavister Netwall

  • Frist of all we should create a Application Rule Sets from this way :
  • Policies>Firewalling>Application Rule>add

  • give a custom name 
  • on Default Action is depend on your plan choosing deny or allow ( we can deny as default and allow everyting we want )

  • after that click on Application Rule Sets and new page opening for Application Rule
  • create Application Rule

  • on this side we should give a custom name 
  • on Action value becuase of using Default action deny we want to Allow every thig need to controll

  • on Application Fillter we can choosing special app or all of app on clavister database 

  • after That we should add IP policy over This way 
  • Policies>Main IP rules>add>IPpolicy 

  • This page is Important part of configuration 
  • Give a custom name for your IP Policy 
  • Source Interface : LAN PORT 
  • Source Network : all net 
  • Destination Interface : Wan ports or wan zone 
  • Service : All tcp an udp and icmp 
  • NAT : Auto 

  • After this we should be go On Application Control side and Eable this service 
  • Choose control mod Use rule Set 
  • and on Application rule Choose our rule we crated before 

  • after that you can see the Traffic of your lan network for Application using on status page