Your Blind Sides May Cost You A Lot - SecPoint Penetrator | Simet Information Technologies Inc.

Your Blind Sides May Cost You A Lot - SecPoint Penetrator

Two of the preferred approaches in order to maintain information security in IT sector is Defensive Approach and Offensive (which is also know as a proactive one). In proactive approach, leak tests whic are know as Penetration Testing (PENTEST) and Vulnerability Assesment tests becomes prominent.

Two of the preferred approaches in order to maintain information security in IT sector is Defensive Approach and Offensive (which is also know as a proactive one). In proactive approach, leak tests whic are know as  Penetration Testing (PENTEST) and Vulnerability Assesment tests becomes prominent.

Nowadays due to the standarts of PCI, HIPAA and ISO 27001, it became a must to for corporations to perform a Penetration (Leak) test.

What is Penetration Testing?

In a specified IT infrustructure, Opearting System (OS) consists of attacks made without harming system in order to detect potential system defections (gaps) such as service and application defections, false construction and even risky enduser behaviours. The reason of a penetration test is to maintain access of authorised person to the system and detection of all defections accordingly.

What is Vulnerability Assesment?

It is researching the defections that causes security weakness in determined systems. As an example to these defections we can take weak passwords, routine mistakes or SQL injections. THe only purpose here is to find potential defections. Controlling and reporting of security weaknesses are the essentials of Proactive Protection

The product of SecPoint® Penetrator® which is presented to Turkish Network Security Market by Simet, becomes a stronger product in detecting and reporting of system defections.

Secpoint and SecPoint® Penetrator Product

Penetrator® is a product that produces security solutions, is released by Denmark’s competitor leading IT Security company , Secpoint. The main point that company focused on is to present userfriendly, value adding (to corporates) and innovating IT Security solutions. 13 years of existence in the field assures a worldwide high class security productline.

Penetrator® is not a security device but is a system detecting potential vulnerabilities and presenting understandable and guiding reports to maintain a safer structure. SecPoint® Penetrator

You may see Penetrator brief specs given below;

  • %100 backdoor safety (disclosure about company informations)
  • Keeping all data at the customer and no transfer to the manufacturer company
  • 60.000+ SQL injections control
  • High version compatibility and updatability of 5+ year old products.
  • 7/24 online chat support (without extra fee)
  • Userfriendly and fluent interface and reporting
  • Reporting with your own company name and logo
  • High performance and fast reporting
  • Completely technical proving of reported vulnerabilities.
  • Easy report exporting
  • Saas service ability in your own cloud system
  • Lower costs
  • IP change permission
  • Cluster Support for Distributed Structure Scanning Possibility
  • Central Scanning and Reporting
  • VMware ESXi and Hyper-V Virtualisation environment support
  • High Operating System (OS) Support
  • Wi-fi Security Access - WEP WPA WPA2 WPS keys’ PDF Reporting
  • Scheduled Task Scanning Test Support (day-weeky-monthy-quarter based)
  • Fast Update for Security Vulnerabilities – Heartbeat Update within 8 hours
  • 9 type of scanning profile (Scanning – Aggressive Scanning, DoS – Firewall scannings etc.)
  • Google Database Attacks – Intensive Scanning in SEO datas
  • Ticket System
  • Automatick Notify for new weaknesses – Noticing easilty via email
  • Bulk download of all reports
  • Multi user support
  • Central reporting for all subsidiaries
  • Distributed scaning options
  • Wireless Device Inspection
  • DDoS attack, exploit and wifi access DOS attack tests
  • Userfriendly Interface
  • Independent Operating System Interface
  • Operates in the environments of close and secure Linux, contrary to other softwares there is no obligation to work only with Windows operating system.
  • P2P software inspection
  • Solution Suggestions

How Does SecPoint® Penetrator Work?

PENTEST with Penetrator:

Scans all the system which is bound to the current IT systemand finds out open communication ports and specifies how to access. Finds out applications using determined ports and tries to attack those applications with exploit or various ways. Different than malware external attacks, checks if the way is open or not without harming  the system.

Every One-click process result can be reported.Tests can result variouslu  according to network infrastructure speed, volume of application and configuration of the system they are going on. So testing periods can differ because of these reasons.

Regarding frequent changes (updates) on applications in manufacturing field and necessities for penetration tests may cause problems for enterprises. Different than the rivals, routine and automatic penetration tests via penetrator can be maintained. In order to arrange these test to be carried on periodically, Scheduled Task feature can be used.. Daily, Weekly, monthly and for the certain quarters of year can be chosen for scheduling the tasks. Also reports can be sent automativcally to the system coordinators.

The most distinct feature of Penetrator is clear and understandable reports and solutions production  

For more details please contact to Simet Information Technologies Inc., (Distributor of Turkey)