SecPoint Penetrator Cloud Edition (SaaS) | Simet Information Technologies Inc.

SecPoint Penetrator Cloud Edition (SaaS)


The Cloud Penetrator is a online vulnerability management and penetration testing tool to scan your online network or your Cloud. Login from anywhere and it is ready to go. It is a powerful and intelligent online security assessment solution.

The Cloud Penetrator is a online vulnerability management and penetration testing tool to scan your online network or your Cloud. Login from anywhere and it is ready to go. It is a powerful and intelligent online security assessment solution.

Security   Auditing  of any  Operating System  or Network   Device
The Penetrator  is designed  to audit  any opera­ ting system or network device.  It is beneficial to audit  any device  in the network setup to find and  rectify any identified vulnerabilities   before an attacker can exploit the vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability Assessment is key to any security strategy
The latest automated hacking tools can inflict damage aeross a netvvork and aeross the vvorld in a matter of hours. Understanding the potential vulnerabili¬ties vvithin your system is vital to any security strategy.

Vulnerability   Assessment
The Penetrator is a Vulnerability  Assessment and penetration  testing appliance for your network, which  comes pre­loaded  and ready­ to­use out of the  box. It is a powerful,  easy to use and  intelligent  security assessment solution.

Unique Distributed    Penetrator Capabilities
You can connect   multiple   Penetrators in a distributed  network.   This gives many  unique advantages    such as:
­ - Centralized reporting
­ - Centralized vulnerability   assessment
­ - Centralized update point
Possibility to audit different locations from  a master Penetrator located in another   city.

60.000     +Vulnerabilities
The Penetrator vulnerability  database consists of more than  12 years of research.
The database  has a total of more than  60.000
unique remote vulnerabilities to test for.
This database is updated   multiple  times daily.


S7 – Cloud Scanner
Maximum Concurrent Scans 1 – 512 IPs
Maximum Cloud Users 1 at a time
Maximum IP Reporting in interface No software limit
All Data stored locally Stored at SecPoint
WiFi Pen Testing WPA WPA2 WPS -
Helpdesk Ticket System
Customize Report Branding -
Customize Interface Branding -
Interfaces -
Local Storage -
RAM / CPU 8 Gb / I7 Quad
Power Supply Single PS
Form Factor Rack Mount 1RU
Support & Firmware included
All data stored locally
Vulnerability Scanning
Full Linux no reboot required

* Hardware values are given for information to show the ideal values that the firmware should be installed on a system.

  • Non US based 100% Backdoor Free
  • 9 Scan Profiles, HIPAA,OWASP top 10, Prepare for PCI, Firevvall Scan and more
  • Advanced Web Cravvler - SQL Injection - XSS - SSL Vulnerabilities
  • Distributed Scanning Capability
  • Scan any OS or Netvvork device
  • Reports Branding
  • Detailed Remediesfor İdentified Vulnerabilities
  • Secure Design Ali Data Stored on Unit
  • Ticket System for full Vulnerability Management •Vulnerability Audit
  • 60.000+ Database Signatures
  • Unlimited Auditing
  • No Softvvare Installation
  • Launch DoS & DDoS attacks
  • Advanced Audit Options
  • Reports Branding
  • Option for centralized update point
  • Audits any OS
  • Automatic Web Cravvl Script Engine
  • Stand-Alone SFF or 1U Appliance
  • Multi User Support
  • Launch Real Exploits
  • Option for syslog remote logging
  • OS Independent Interface
  • Distributed Auditing

Easy-to-understand Reporting

Reports can be customised and are available as XML, PDF or HTML fileş. System vulnerabilities are categorised as either high risk, medium risk or low risk, together with name and details of each vulnerability and its remediation. The report also gives a condusion as to the overall security level of the au- dited system.An executive summary is compiled specifically for management level revievv with both text and graphical details from the audit results.

Easy to install

The Penetrator is compatible with any operating system. İt is easy to install, with minimal configuration. Installation vvizards provide for fast set up.

Scalableand Upgradeable

The Penetrator is scalable for netvvork grovvth and IPaddresses.

Distributed Audit Capability

You can setup multiple Penetrator at different locations on the internal netvvork and remotely via an encrypted secure connec- tion connect them together. This allovvs distributed auditing, configuration and reporting from a centralized point.

Launch Real Exploits and Denial of Ser­vice Attacks

You can launch real exploits to verify that an

identified vulnerability is exploitable. İt is also

possible to launch real Denial of Service attacks to test preproduction systems for stability.


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